I was supposed to post entry every week regarding this. AND I DIDN'T! :O
Well, What's that?
Im one of the 5 lucky ones who got chosen by NOEL CALEB (One of our homegrown fashion labels, yes Singapore!) to attend their styling class.
Well, I initially thought it's just one styling class, but it ended up to be FOUR styling class and it's a competition. I got to know that at the end of the first class, the winner get to be their styling apprentice after all the classes!
So, while I had the mindset that it's just A styling class, and just end up to be four, it just get better...being a styling apprentice!!!
My first lesson is on 2 March.
We are going to meet the founder and the stylist and they will be introducing their label and teaching us how to style. We were supposed to bring 3-4 pieces of clothing (either top or bottom) and use it to style with the NOEL CALEB collection.
The location is at an apartment unit. So while I was gleaming at the thought of meeting the founder of the label and learning styling with the experts, my mum got suspicious and told me to be careful cause they are real-life cases of girls being tricked into going to apartment for something and well, you get the idea. Because of that, I was wary about it. (You can't blame me for that, cause I have yet to seen them)
Well, I arrived on time to see all ladies there. And Im the youngest! haha.
There are 4 apprentices, 3 interns, and our mentors.
Our mentors are Eileen, the founder of Noel Caleb and Rana, Stylist and Fashion Blogger.
Rana was saying that alot of people will either ignore of look at this piece and just put it back, but it's actually a very flattering versatile top.
It's a long 'dress' top.
Look, you can loop around your neck or to one side of the shoulder.
Rana explained that adding a piece of clothing will change the whole outlook.
Eileen, the founder explaining that every piece have their own concept design, material and feel and most of the people don't know or understand about it. This piece was supposed to have a 3D effect.
Eileen trying it on one of the interns.
After explaining and the demonstration, we set off to do our own styling with some advice from our mentors!
Here are my looks!
(I look weird though, cause I went for eyebrow threading recently in Feb, thats why I look so weird in all of the photos previously. Pic credits to Noel Caleb)

1st look: I choose the pink polka dots top, the blazer and my own black pants.
2nd look: (Not shown) Wore the versatile top with the blazer.

3rd look: Rana choose this for me! She said that I have beautiful shoulders, so I should "show off" my shoulders. Haha.

4th look: Interesting dress! Rana choose this for me even though I find the colour of the dress uninteresting but Im ok with it after that.

5th look: Oh, the vest is so nice! Love it when she add the vest.
Me and Candence, one of the contestants.
Notice our rings? to match our outfits.
So, after that, we share our thoughts about this session.
Me and Peiying, the winner for NOEL CALEB designer competition.
Me, Eileen and Rana!
First styling session all wrapped up!
Some tips I learnt:
1) Try to figure out which is your "best" part of body and flaunt it!
2) Don't underestimate the power of accessories, they make a great difference but do choose the right one/ approriate one.
3) Anything can be your accessories, even your hair colour! (:
4) Don't overdo it. Too much colours and texture makes you look "messy".
5) A boring looking piece hanging on the rack at the store might not look so tacky afterall. It might surprises you so try it if you can!
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